That after the Children of Israel had obtain'd leave from Pharaoh their cruel Oppressor, to depart out of Egypt, and they had March'd to the Borders of His Kingdom it repented this ambitious Mo|narch, and vexed his Soul, that he had consented thereunto though he had stood it out even to the last extremity. The time would fail me, to give an Historical Narration of the whole matter. Since it was Typical of our Eternal Re|demption and Spiritual Deliverance by CHRIST the Captain of our Salvation. This Marvellous work or wonder is often men|tion'd to the Honour of GOD's excellent Majesty both in the Old Testament and in the New and it is a wonderful work to be always remembred by his Church and People to the end of the World es|pecially THESE Words are part of the Tri|umphant Song, which Moses the Captain General of the Hosts of Israel, indited by Divine Inspiration, to express their Gratitude to GOD, and to celebrate His Name & Praise, for their miraculous Deliverance from the Hands of their enraged Enemies, at the Sea, even at the Red Sea.
The LORD is a Man of War: The LORD is His Name.